A short remark...

Greetings to everyone, I have a short remark here.

As usual, I only write when I've something to share. Therefore, I rarely update this site.

Meanwhile, I would suggest you to subscribe for updates by typing in your e-mail address in the text box provided at the side bar so that you will receive the updates once I'm back. Don't worry, no spamming. :)

Just chill while waiting for some interesting topics or issues.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Water pollution in Malaysia: How serious it is?

Fyi, I'm publishing this post inconjuction of the "Blog Action Day".
(15 Oct 07)

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

Before I proceed let me brief you on this Blog Action Day thingy. To be simple, it'a a one-day program where all the participating bloggers will talk about environment related issues to raise the awareness of public on this matters.

All the while, we have been listening to all the TV and Radio advertisements on river pollution in Malaysia. Sadly, most of us are still naive about it until government have to find other funny-but-effective methods like the song "Sungai Oh Sungai" by a little girl which is frequently to air on local radio stations.

To be honest, once I get to know about this Blog Action Day, I was interested to join this campaign and contribute something. But the problem was I couldn't find any suitable topic to discuss. Furthermore, as most of you know, I rarely talk about environment related issues. Eventhough, I had some trouble in publishing this post, Alhamdulillah finally I found something.

There were lots of websites I've been in the quest of finding a suitable topic. Some of the sites are:

Finally, I found a site. The name of the website itself might attract you. It is:


This website is dedicated speciall for a river located in Penang. It has been badly polluted until this website have been launched to get the Malaysian's attention on this serious matter.

See, what else can be bad-er than this? This problem surely would have damaged the whole ecosystem in that area! It's all because of us, humans! Even tyre can get into river!

Well, I'm just speechless. (>_<) Take a closer look by yourself here at:

How to overcome this problem? First, lets stop throwing rubbish into DRAINS because when we throw trash into drains near our homes, it all will finally end up at this kind of rivers. So lets learn to throw rubbish into trash bins. This is the most important step in order to stop this problem.

Secondly, we have to clean those rivers. But Alhamdulillah,in Malaysia, we just have be aware and help the government in preventing problems because they are also doing their job well. Take a look at this.
Lets keep our earth clean! But all you need to do is, keep your housing area clean first. If everyone does that, there is no need to raise hell on these issues. :-)

Further reading:

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Eid-ul-Fitr: Mubarak ! or Mubarak?

Assalamualaikum and greetings to everyone.

As I've said many times before this, time and environment can change anyone to anything. I still remember how fun Eid were celebrated when my dad was around. :(

Well, Eid means Hari Raya and mubarak means happy. So, shall I be happy on Eid? or let the past memories slowly 'eat' me?

Actually, why shall we Muslims be happy on Eid? Well, as we've known it's not because of new dress and getting the freedom to eat during daytime. It's all about victory! The joy of winning ourselves by controlling ourselves strictly. The joy of being able to perform the prayers and remind ourselves that we are the slaves of Allah S.W.T .

Of course, the memories will be there forever. Compared to last Ramadhan, this time I spent most of the time lonely. Breakfast alone, work alone and went for shopping to buy some simple clothings for my little sister, also alone. Even today on first day of Eid itself, I went for Eid-Ul-Fitr prayers alone... I even did not visit any of my neighbours, friends or relatives because I don't have the real mood of doing it. I just spent my time as a normal day perhaps a bit relax by updating this blogsite and watching some inspiring documentaries.

So, this question of Happy Eid! or Happy Eid? had made me to sit and talk to myself for a while. The difference is the exclamation mark and the question mark which reflect the expression of the "Happy Eid" statement. Finally, I feel that it should be Happy Eid! Because Alhamdulillah, on this Ramadhan I managed to increase my prayers activities compared to previous years. To add the hapiness to make my self calm, all I need to do is just continue my prayers for my father's peace, thats where I can get satisfactions.

Obviously, life will never be always the same. However InsyaAllah, we can always find the peace of mind through prayers and the satisfaction of completing our responsibilities.

Once again, Eid-Ul-Fitr Mubarak!