A short remark...

Greetings to everyone, I have a short remark here.

As usual, I only write when I've something to share. Therefore, I rarely update this site.

Meanwhile, I would suggest you to subscribe for updates by typing in your e-mail address in the text box provided at the side bar so that you will receive the updates once I'm back. Don't worry, no spamming. :)

Just chill while waiting for some interesting topics or issues.

Friday, December 15, 2006

INFOSEC.my Knowledge Sharing Session

Wow... once again a FREE seminar knowledge sharing session.

This session is mainly focused on Information Security.

I can't say much. However, you may find more information from here:

At the same time I would like to introduce a VERY interesting website where you can find the up-to-date info on national ICT security. The National ICT Security and Emergency Response Center (NISER). There are LOTS of published research papers and statistics here.

Most probably, I might not be attending this event. :(
If you are going, PLEASE share with me what they've said.

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