A short remark...

Greetings to everyone, I have a short remark here.

As usual, I only write when I've something to share. Therefore, I rarely update this site.

Meanwhile, I would suggest you to subscribe for updates by typing in your e-mail address in the text box provided at the side bar so that you will receive the updates once I'm back. Don't worry, no spamming. :)

Just chill while waiting for some interesting topics or issues.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I have been thinking of developing a portal for the Malaysian Indian Muslim community for a long time. I got the idea when I was in form four.

Due to extenuating circumstance (normal la right?) such as lack of knowledge on PHP programming, no free time and bad internet connection, I failed to make that dream come true. :-(

However, I was quite happy when one of my relative, Azri from Penang told me about the existance of such a site: http://www.indiamuslim.org

Btw, when I joined the site as member, my first impression was very good. However, after some time, I notice that most of the topics are very boring because most of the members just copy and paste those junk e-mails that they receive in their inboxes.

Anyway, I can't comment too much about the site because the admin also have done a good job. The GUI of the site is quite nice with some prayer times, pictures, statistics and downloads.

Therefore, I would like to thank the admin and moderators for developing the portal and I hope that they will make it better and more interesting.

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