A short remark...

Greetings to everyone, I have a short remark here.

As usual, I only write when I've something to share. Therefore, I rarely update this site.

Meanwhile, I would suggest you to subscribe for updates by typing in your e-mail address in the text box provided at the side bar so that you will receive the updates once I'm back. Don't worry, no spamming. :)

Just chill while waiting for some interesting topics or issues.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Selamat Hari Raya

[Edited: Flash card has been removed]
Assalamualikum everyone, :-)

The time has arrived....

I would like to take this oppoturnity (of having a blog) to wish my dear Muslim friends, teachers, lecturers and everyone, Selamat Hari Raya.

Please forgive me if I would have done anything wrong in the past. I hope I will improve myself. So, Maaf Zahir & Batin.

Okay, happy holidays. Attention for those who are driving for long distance, PLEASE becareful while you are driving.

"Driving a car is dangerous than piloting a plane."

Ref: My E-Card...



Anonymous said...

Testing... Other identity....

Anonymous said...

aduh. at least gimme a button to cancel the sound lah.. =.=

Mohamed Ihsan said...

Sorry la, I just copied the thing from a site.

Soon' I will try to create my own e-cards with a button to stop it.

Sorry for the inconvinience cause. :P