A short remark...

Greetings to everyone, I have a short remark here.

As usual, I only write when I've something to share. Therefore, I rarely update this site.

Meanwhile, I would suggest you to subscribe for updates by typing in your e-mail address in the text box provided at the side bar so that you will receive the updates once I'm back. Don't worry, no spamming. :)

Just chill while waiting for some interesting topics or issues.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Calling the cars for The Xtreme NIghts

(Taken from the official website of The Xtreme Nights)

As usual, today (7th Nov 2006) I was comming out of the Bukit Jalil LRT station and saw a cool banner stating about the competiton of modified cars.

Since I only get the chance to see this kind of cars once in a blue moon even if you are lucky to see them on road, you can find one or two only. I feel that this is a great oppoturnity for those who loves to see normal cars that have been modified into superb and cool cars.

Well, it's just another hobby for those who loves nice cars but have low budgets.

I hope I can go.
Btw, it is also a great chance for noob photographers like me to learn how to take pictures of cars. :P (Not the models )

The competition will be on 10 & 11 November 2006 @ Bukit Jalil from 5pm till 12 midnight.

You can get more information from their official site:-
(Click on the image below)


Anonymous said...

Thank for the cars websites .. special abt the webpages are the (chun) model. kekeke thx

Anonymous said...

Repost: Thank for the cars websites .. special abt the webpages are the (chun) model. kekeke thx

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. no comment actually but have to post cox my best fren. i don't want to mension his name.. ok la.. about the blog.. hmm.. i think i'm am going to the event .. thx anyway

Mohamed Ihsan said...

Wah, going ar....
I know why, hehehe

Mohamed Ihsan said...

Oh Aereon, I'm sorry because I didn't call you. Actually, I put these kind of post here so that all my friends know about my activites and current issues.

Enjoy your Penang trip Aereon.

Take care, bye.

John: So how...?

Mohamed Ihsan said...

John, Lau went there yesterday.

He said, they charge RM20 per ticket.

How ar...? Shall we pretend as official photographers or something. :D